LIVING IT with Lindy

What’s the difference between single malt whisky and single grain whisky? Which whisky is known for its pleasant malty sweet finish? How do you make potato skins? Bowling is for party people. What are pins? How much does a bowling ball weigh? What’s the all time favorite snack food of a true bowler? Did you know that Gaelic football in Irish is: Peil, Peil Ghaelach or Caid? Did you know that there are two local teams in Pamplona? The answers are fun, funny and/or tasty and you missed getting the answers up close and personal! But take a look and listen closely to the participants from the Hanging Out activity. They’ve been Living it…and loving it!

1st Act

2nd Act

3rd Act

Download act 1.
Download act 2.
Download act 3.

¡ULTIMA HORA! Living It with Lindy

cimg5743Viernes 30  de enero, a las 23 horas en el bar «MY WAY» ajunto a Centro Comercial Itaroa, va a tocar el grupo: 


Living It with Lindy dice: «es musica buena en directo…otra forma de divertirse en Ingles. Tiene un cante guapisimo con una voz fenominal, y su grupo es genial. Cantan en ingles canciones de «soul y blues» de los 70’s y los 80’s. Y ademas es Entrada libre.»

